
Accept, remove urgency, flow

You’re creating resistance when you are not allowing what is to be. When you give yourself grace to just be in this moment as you come…you allow your awareness to center you and to show you what you have been missing. The whole truth is showing up before you:

What you’re creating, what you’re entertaining, what you’re fighting against. The root of your suffering is right there…follow the breadcrumbs.

The place you desire to be is to have already arrived so go there in imagination. Use your mind constructively if you’re finding yourself creating battles with it…stop! Drop back into your heart and clear off that mental slate clean and start all over again. Bring in your new life to you right here right now. Your old self will want to take that away from you…but accept the resistance, don’t fight it but hold firm your vision while you feel it’s presence right here right now.

The new you will feel like new clothes, unfamiliar, expansive, exciting if you allow it to be or if you listen to your old self it will feel scary, stupid, like you can’t figure it out, running around in circles…without anything to show for it. The only way you can actually create an empire without burning yourself out is surrendering to your heart’s instructions…and being its obedient student. Respect your mental temple…use it wisely.

Don’t forget to love the previous versions of yourself anyway… Unconditionally love them all and you will feel liberated to just be you without any judgement. Others seem to judge you because you judged yourself first. So stop being so judgy and love all of you-in a healthy manner.

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Why are you making this moment wrong?

Why is now not enough?

What’s so important in the future that can’t allow you to feel fulfilled, content and enough right now?

Your voices are whispering to you the past which is controlling your future projection. You gathered information from the moment you entered this realm, each moment counted from then until now. Collapsing what you don’t identify with anymore will help you release some energy back that could be used to empower you to a better habit. Just decide and jump! It’s scary but think about your other options…are they as exciting or as rewarding? Listen to your heart for all your clues.

Now it feels heavy because you’re running away from a shadow that has its wisdom to gift you. You’re both night and day as you are your light body and your shadow body. When you stop resisting what is now and remove the need to identify with every thought and instead lean back and clarify what thought forms you now want to identify with. Who are you becoming?

Shifting from a dorminant negative embodiment to a more dorminant positive embodiment it takes patience and A LOT OF SELF LOVE…your soul needs your compassion because this journey ain’t cute! You’re working around the clock mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally…in all forms to stay in alignment with your higher self…in a dense dense reality. This is another story when you are turning inside out…putting all your negative stuff out there for you to see in the light so you can use this moment of reflection to help you clarify how you would like to move differently moving forward. It’s that simple…are you brave?

Forgiveness is a big one. Self compassion to the nines!!!!

Remember this journey ain’t about comparing or worrying about how far others are…it’s between your past selves and current self…this moment has passed so has this version of you. Now has passed and the next is about to. You get the picture.

Fear is normal. Happiness is normal. These are just emotional states not prisons. Every human feels the fear of death. You repressing the emotion that arises when random thoughts of losing your loved ones come doesn’t help…feel and give gratitude that you get to be in the presence of your loved ones right now. Reach out and connect.

If you notice there is resistance, potentially there’s a shadow body waiting to talk to you.

Speaking of, Check out Shadow Alchemy 101 for Soul Babes who want to dive into shadow work starting this summer because summer ain’t about chasing anything else but our healing. We are investing the majority of our energy into ourselves to bring ourselves back home to peace from within…how do we do that?

Click the link and see for yourself!

I hope you can join us Soul Babe. Healing doesn’t have to be boring and lonely. Come meet your tribe!


Being reminder

Dear Soul Babes

I understand that you are going through a tough time in your life, feeling low, sad, depressed and stuck in a mentalhole. It can be hard to see any light at the end of the tunnel and you may feel rejected, abandoned, unappreciated and unsafe right now. These emotions can be overwhelming and it may seem like there is no way out. It’s ok to feel negative emotions. It’s okay to experience intrusive, dark, dense, yucky thoughts.

It’s easy to get caught up in the negative emotions and the overwhelming pressure of your thoughts and feelings. You may be feeling rejected, abandoned, unappreciated, or unsafe, and it’s essential to know that you are not alone. There are many others out there struggling with similar challenges, and there’s always hope for a brighter tomorrow.

The first step towards healing and inner peace is to come back home to your truth, to the essence of who you are. You may be wondering how you can do that, but the truth is that everything you need is already within you. The answers you seek, the comfort you crave, and the direction you need are all inside of you, waiting to be discovered.

To discover your truths, you must be willing to face what is coming up in your psyche. This can be a daunting task, but it’s necessary to confront your negative emotions and learn from them. Embrace your emotions, your fears, and your doubts, and use them to understand yourself better and grow as a person. This is an opportunity of a lifetime to become your own best friend and love, cherish, adore, appreciate, speak life into yourself like no one has ever been able to for you!

A vital part of this process is to hold a shadow work party for your demons. This means examining the darker parts of yourself: the parts that you may consider negative, undesirable, or shameful. By investigating these shadows, you will be able to identify and overcome the obstacles that are holding you back and limiting your potential.

Remember that you are a unique and beautiful person, created by God with a purpose in mind. You have a taste for life that is entirely your own, and it’s up to you to pursue that taste and live your best life. You must empower yourself and uplift your soul by holding onto this truth.

If you’re feeling lost, remember that there’s always a way back to yourself. Reach out for help if you need it, lean on your support system, and remember that you are strong enough to get through this. You are not alone, and you are loved more than you could ever imagine. You just have to open yourself up to receive it. Are you genuinely expecting goodness in your life…or are you holding onto beliefs that are preventing you from enjoying your life?

In conclusion, Soul Babes, remember to take the time to come back home to your truth. Face your shadows, embrace your emotions, and empower yourself to live the best life possible. You are capable of overcoming any obstacle and finding joy in everything you do. Trust in yourself, your faith, and your purpose, and keep moving forward towards the light.

If you’d like to start your healing journey by starting your shadow work party…please click button below. Follow your heart, it feels lighter when it’s the right way 🌸😊

*side note, I AM, I FEEL, I DO (for soul babes who need 7 weeks to realign with their true selves and extract the medicine from their shadow body) is 50% off for the next 24 hours before it goes back to its original price.

alchemy chaos confusion inner child self love

What chapter are you narrating right now?

The pen is always writing anyway. So what are you narrating right now? Where are you seeing your life lead to right now? Do you like where it’s going? Or maybe you feel stuck and you’re stuck in chaos…you’re confused and disconnected from yourself because your dominant thought pattern is in fear, scarcity, lack, disempowerment, doubt, shame, doubt….

Your mind is clouded in the dark cloud….you want it to stop….you’re sick and tired of this little trend going on in your life, you’re growing…you’re ready to expand to lightness within, to feel again, to be in love with life again, to breathe again, you want your life back!!!!

You came here with nothing, you’re gonna leave with nothing. What will your life stand for during this time you’re shooting past this earth portal goddess?

What will you be known for?

Come find out by studying yourself, by taking ownership of what is within your control.

Trust the undoing part of your shadow work, it’s meant to be messy so you can love all the corners and crooks of you.

You’re worthy of your own love.

Just finished day 1 of the Survival Mode Neutralizer 7 Day Challenge. Day 2 tomorrow at 5:55pm PST…we are meeting your throne. What does it feel like? How do you naturally embody it?

Come find out & watch the replay!
Ladies Click button below to RSVP


How to find peace

INNER PEACE begins the moment you can hold both the light and shadow within you with unconditional love, with no rush or haste to go beyond what’s shown NOW towards what’s better.

Stillness with the truth and embodying it unapologetically to allow your true identity to be revealed to you.

RELIEF to access your power moment to moment because you awakened to your I AM.

Nothing outside of yourself can hold you unless you let it in.

Close the blinders to the things outside of you that are depleting your energy. Take responsibility for that all the time. It doesn’t have to be hard…it can be playful too if you allow & trust the moment to call you in.

This is what living in THE UNKNOWN looks like 👁️

You know this but your lack of taking responsibility for your energy expenditure is what is causing you to spiral your energy down.

You’re not being responsible for your choices.
You’re running away from the negative…shadow body

You’re abandoning your inner child.

You’re soothing the shadow body instead of soothing the light body.

Your inner being is yearning for a spark,

You’ve been taught to ignore it, you’ve been shamed to dim it but now you’ve put your own life force in danger


And you corner yourself with shame and guilt so now you’re stuck in this low room with nowhere to turn.

How can you feed the soul if you’re ignoring it?

When you’re choosing outside over inside?

When will you choose you?

How long will you run away from yourself?

Join me and others for a FREE 7 day Cycle of

A Universal Channel To Find Your Inner Security

🌸✨7 Days of Guiding your SOUL back to neutrality during chaos by connecting to the truth of the moment through UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ✨🌸

April 4-10 2023

Sign up to RSVP and receive schedule & itinerary ✨

Link 🌸


How to find peace

INNER PEACE begins the moment you can hold both the light and shadow within you with unconditional love, with no rush or haste to go beyond what’s shown NOW towards what’s better.

Stillness with the truth and embodying it unapologetically to allow your true identity to be revealed to you.

RELIEF to access your power moment to moment because you awakened to your I AM.

Nothing outside of yourself can hold you unless you let it in.

Close the blinders to the things outside of you that are depleting your energy. Take responsibility for that all the time. It doesn’t have to be hard…it can be playful too if you allow & trust the moment to call you in.

This is what living in THE UNKNOWN looks like 👁️

You know this but your lack of taking responsibility for your energy expenditure is what is causing you to spiral your energy down.

You’re not being responsible for your choices.
You’re running away from the negative…shadow body

You’re abandoning your inner child.

You’re soothing the shadow body instead of soothing the light body.

Your inner being is yearning for a spark,

You’ve been taught to ignore it, you’ve been shamed to dim it but now you’ve put your own life force in danger


And you corner yourself with shame and guilt so now you’re stuck in this low room with nowhere to turn.

How can you feed the soul if you’re ignoring it?

When you’re choosing outside over inside?

When will you choose you?

How long will you run away from yourself?

Join me and others for a FREE 7 day Cycle of

A Universal Channel To Find Your Inner Security

🌸✨7 Days of Guiding your SOUL back to neutrality during chaos by connecting to the truth of the moment through UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ✨🌸

April 4-10 2023

Sign up to RSVP and receive schedule & itinerary ✨

Link 🌸


This is your soul

Soul initiation= not identifying with the mind or its projections.

Knowing you can’t be put in a box because you’re always unfolding in the present…so release all the unnecessary stories that you’ve been holding onto that are clearly not in alignment with the soul.

The right story is unfolding right now, so relax and watch it unfold. I can hear you say lazy, but this is common sense. You can’t control the unfolding, you can only believe in your ability to see your goals through. How it will look is none of your business, how it feels is the greatest indicator.

You always have a choice on whether you make it being dragged by life screaming or you can arrive there gliding, centered within and detached. Either way you’re gonna arrive.

This comes naturally when you let go of identification with anything that you didn’t come into this Earth realm with. Going back to the source of life and death. To become one with what is. To surrender to the moment without needing it to be different.

To find prosperity in the breeze that caresses your skin, or the clothes that keep you warm in the chilly weather…to be there with self and not to abandon to the fantasy of the mind.

You are complete and enough in this very moment…everything else you add on to “increase” value are just self esteem issues.

Celebrating your unique beauty vs. running away from deep rooted issues

Click link below to connect with me if you need help centering with your inner being so you can transcend your mental suffering with ease

See you on the other side!


Face your own B.S with unconditional love

Trust yourself more by building it day by day.

The voices (unless they are stemmed in love) are irrelevant.

Feel their ouch without resisting, allow them to communicate with you where you are, pause and allow your higher self to guide you towards the right task at hand.

You want to feel a little lighter than right now. How can you facilitate that right now?

Connect to your breath, scan body slowly…bring the moment to a halt! Look around intuitvely…what can you appreciate right now?

Ask yourself, “what am I benefiting from at this moment?”

How can you allow more of these kinda narratives in your mind? “this is okay for now, I’m gonna enjoy now because it’s not coming back because now I’m becoming this person“?

…allow your humanness to experience all separation…its truth communicated from the perspective of your human perspective, don’t make it wrong…allow your divinity to guide you in moments you’re not so sure but you know this has to get done one way or the other.

Even if you were to lose it all, you can build it back up in a heartbeat because it’s living and breathing within you. You are it…so bring it on!!!

Private message me to book a 30 min complimentary “Soul Awareness Session” to awaken to your Soul.

Don’t be a scaredy cat!



Your desires have already arrived

Your job is to unravel thoughts, beliefs that are keeping you away from experiencing it right now

The moment you feel it, it’s there for you

Life is that good!

But we have been taught to suffer and to be addicted to being down and under. We don’t trust life anymore.

Some of it is because our parents, grannies and ancestors went through so much stress, survival and suffering to get us where we are. With this in mind, be grateful that you’re the chosen one to unbecoming this script for your bloodline, and the gps in your heart is leading you towards the journey of shedding that off.

Some of it could be that you had a rough start to life.

Learning new ways of thinking is hard especially if you’re used to the habit of suffering in thoughts and assumptions.

Something we might have borrowed or learnt from the beginning of our journey.

How do we learn to be light again?

Learning to pick and choose the quality of thoughts to live and embody by is a new muscle that gets to be practiced over and over again until you become it.

Becoming light after being dark for a long time is a journey of its own. There’s no quick way to get there if you want longevity and to plant roots deep within ELDORADO (your ideal state)

Abundance, prosperity, joy, bliss, relief, happiness, wellbeing is available to you right now if you allow yourself to open up to it.

One thought at a time

One assumption at a time

Trust your being to guide you in this very moment and the next

You won’t find the guidance through your mind, but through your heart.

Feeeeeeeeel it all

Numbing is just keeping you away from the relief you seek

Numbing and escaping is just blocking you from the things you want.

They are just emotions, not a death sentence.

Face it!!!

Ok, maybe better said than done.

This is why we need support, guidance and reassurance when everything around us is dim.

Vulnerability is sweet surrender. The truth is the truth don’t run away from it.

Resilience is built over time.

Just don’t do it alone.

This is why I am here for you soul babe, don’t walk by yourself .

Let’s alchemize this dense baby to something lighter!

Better yet, Meow at me “Soul Babe”


Feeling shame & unfulfilled?

When you are unapologetically unconditionally loving of all your shadows…the versions of you that are not in alignment with light, you free yourself from unnecessary pressure to be something you’re not.

Think about the things you do that you hide from others and sometimes yourself

How are you running away from the truth of how you’re unfolding?

Why are you numbing and escaping what is? What do you know and feel?

What do you do when no one is looking?

The truth is freeing.
It allows you to be human.
It gifts you grace, humility and forgiveness.

You’re not perfect, but guess what so is everybody else
Dance with the present moment
Sometimes you will stumble
Sometimes you will be in alignment
But remember, if it was perfect you wouldn’t be here to understand why.

Mar 1-3
6am PST

If you’re having a hard time connecting to the love within you

This is for you

If you’re noticing resistance to the truth

You’re safe

Let’s celebrate each and every part of you

Experience relief, release, calm and clarity

Sign up here