

I believe the main cause for a lot of people’s unhappiness is because they are chasing success, and they have a mental image of what success looks like and when they match it to their current lives…they feel depressed and like a complete failure.
there is a lot of pressure to succeed and most of this is fueled by the ego’s needs. It wants to feel important. It is usually not coming from the heart.
do you feel fulfilled in your current life?
are you happy?
do you feel connected to your body?
have you healed your childhood wounds?
are you feeding your body with nourishing & healing foods?
do you like your social group? do you have a good support system?

these should be the true indicators of success for human beings.

it’s funny how when you find contentment in just being in the now, everything seems to fall into place
you just need to get out of your own way
learn to trust yourself a little more and find pleasure in not having anything
this does not mean don’t go for your material goals, abso-freaking-not-ly
I just want it to come from a place of truth, your own truth.
I want you to always feel successful and wake up with a smile on your face every morning
so, start feeling successful right now
because you are alive, because you showed up for yourself and reading or listening to this post
because you are always showing up every day to better yourself and to check your alignment coordinates with source
you are choosing to be happy, prioritize your mental wellbeing
because you are choosing you every time you take an action towards personal development, health and breaking generational “curses” for your bloodline
it’s all in the atomic intentions
keep showing up for yourself
success is inevitable my friend

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