
Fantasizing is ego based, visualizing is heart based

When you’re escaping into a reality that disempowers you…you’re fantasizing because you’re putting everyone else on a pedestal but you.

You’re telling the little girl within that she’s not worthy, she’s not enough…she needs to perform to be liked, to get the attention she needs. Others’ opinion of you is better, more important than your own opinion of self. How did you make this a 1+ relationship? The relationship between you and you is sacred, holy grounds…a no go zone for even your besties, soulmates & whateverz!

Your affirmations that you chant, sing to yourself everyday are not just affirmations, they are prayers to your soul…the soul mother ship…to keep mind, body and spirit in alignment. When you are intentional with your presence…it radiates in your connections, in the richness of your conversations, in the quality of life you’re experiencing…

Visualizing gifts you the ability to walk from your current situation into your future reality. It keeps you in alignment with what is important, it eliminates unnecessary distractions and instructs you only from intuitive nudges.

With unconditional love and expansive gratitude,


Sri Venus