
Escaping Reality

You escape into your mind instead of being presence because wounded little you would rather stay in the shadows of lies instead of facing the truth dead in the eye

Little you is a coward, it would rather connect to any narrative that will boost the identity of your bad ego that is always acting out of inferiority, fear, living in the deas past, thinking out your life instead of being your life

Your bad ego feels small in the presence of others claiming and embodying their divinity

Bad ego acts out stories you have playing out in your head to feel “empowered”, “better”

Is this you? Do this instead:

Be present with the truth of why you’re hurt, why you feel small, why you feel unloved, why you feel irrelevant, why you feel unwanted….

Presence is the key

Hug that version of you and be patient while it plays in the present moment…see it, expose it, give it a safe space to be without any judgement or pulling it down.

There’s nothing wrong with you…you just found ways to cope with pain and fear by escaping into your mind to live in storylines where your bad ego feels validated, superior, grandiose, better, you are always right and they are wrong narrative

No wonder it doesn’t feel fulfilling

You are living a lie

You are letting your bad ego control your life

Instead surrender to your heart and allow all the pieces to come back together…one version of you at a time

It’s a dance, the journey begins now but it continues for eternity

There’s a time for everything, even your pain and suffering has a role in your evolution

(you think changing a worm into a butterfly is funny games? you’re literally evolving, be patient and kind to yourself. leave those disempowering thoughts for the dogs)

This is how you find the light again…

start where you are, with who you’re being, thinking, saying and how you’re interacting with life

Do this from your heart over and over again and you will become light again

Just choose Unconditional love for each version of you and you will experience it sooner than later

It gets better I promise

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